Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Updates From the Road (too many adventures)

Dear readers (all three of you):
Yet again I have been remiss and have neglected to post a thing in the Irelandiary for many a day. This is not good and I am sorry. BUT instead of posting, I have been having brilliant adventures to tell you about! Last week was spent traversing the Irish island with my fabulous aunt Rita. We saw twenty-two of thirty-two counties, in all four provinces, saw ships, sheep, a causeway, castles, drumlins, churches, pubs, distilleries, and CLIMBED SKELLIG MICHAEL. It was utterly smashing and I will do it justice with a post the length of a short novel... When I return to Cork and my computer and the photographs therein.

Now, if I'm not in the sweet city of Cork with my computer, where might I be?

I am, if you really want to know, in Paris, in fair sight of the Eiffel tower, with a tummy full of one-euro baguette and a fistful of stories to share. Yesterday I was in Caen, and the day before I was in Portsmouth. The day before I was on a monolith. I have taken an innumerable number of planes, buses, trains, and even one swank ferry to get here, to Paris, to stare out of my haussmanian window at the lights of porte-de-vanves.

I will try to remedy my utter lack of consistency last month by keeping all o ye updated from the road as I navigate my way across the continent and back again. The posts will be short and sweet and sadly devoid of pictures, since my camera needs my home computer to load photographs. Therefore the blog's ambitious promise of "a superb number of phototype engravings" is a bold and untrue claim.

You will be getting posts from the road, from locations scattered across Europe like so many pieces of confetti from a day-old One Direction concert. So prepare thyself.

A bientot!

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